SINCE 1973

The British Stunt Register is the longest established and largest association of stunt professionals working in the Film and Television industry both in the UK and internationally.


Stunt action co-ordinators and performers

The origins of the British register of stunt performers go back to 1973. Approved jointly by the Film Production Association of Great Britain and the British Actors Equity Association, it was founded to establish the highest standards of performance and safety for stunt performers, actors and crew.  Latterly known as the JISC (Joint Industry Stunt Committee click to learn more) it has developed into one of the most respected and industry recognised directories of registered stunt performers and coordinators in the world, and now as the British Stunt Register it has grown into an association 431 members strong by the year 2020.

The British Stunt Register grading scheme gives potential stunt performers an industry recognised competency process and the opportunity to start their career as a stunt performer. It then provides career progression based on peer reviewed experience as members build knowledge and develop skills. The Stunt Grading Scheme aims to create true professionals capable of meeting the challenges faced by stunt performers and coordinators in the 21st Century. This gives Directors and Producers the confidence that our members have the necessary skills and experience to create safe and dynamic action. The British Stunt Register publishes a directory of its members every two years. The book is the go-to place for Producers, Directors, Stunt Coordinators and Casting Agents, to source Stunt Coordinators and Performers. Our directory is available in both hard copy and digital format to our industry colleagues.  A summary of the new 5 Tier Grade Scheme with mandatory Health & Safety training is available on on the Grading Scheme page and on the BSR news page.
Click and follow this link to request your copy:
Request British Stunt Register Directory of Members here.
Discover What We Do

Discover What We Do

Over 45 Years Experience

With a history of safe, professional and award winning work, The British Stunt Register has a proven track record of providing the international film and television industry with the very best in stunt performers and stunt co-ordinators.

Working at every level including independent film, television, commercials and the most recognisable feature film franchises in the world, our members can meet the individual requirements for any production on any scale. No other group of stunt professionals in the world has the wealth of knowledge and experience contained within The British Stunt Register.


Stunts performed for designed by our members for the screen are carefully risk assessed and managed.  As are some performed by other professionals and at organised live show venues. Our members are highly skilled, well trained and experienced – the most suitable professionals are selected to collaborate and create dynamic action and effects in controlled conditions. The aim is always to minimise risk, and safety is of absolute paramount importance –

for the performer(s), crew and public.

The British Stunt Register (BSR) does not endorse unmanaged thrill seeking activities for entertainment’s sake. Those activities, unregulated extreme sports (without careful and relevant training), unassisted non-professional ‘stunts’, daredevil displays, misuse or non-use of safety equipment, and abuse of certain environments with or without permission (i.e. trespass) are dangerous and pose potential risk of injury or death.  Individuals who undertake these activities can only be perceived as doing so of their own volition and the BSR cautions that to record and/or share video of those activities in the public domain is irresponsible.  Any person who wishes to join the BSR should refrain from participating in these activities and the BSR will not accept any visual media (or follow links to it) for application review without the express confirmation that these activities do not feature in it.

Finally, for those who would love to emulate their action heroes, as the well worn but no less applicable saying goes, don’t try this at home.  Don’t risk your own safety or that of your friends.  Pop that corn and enjoy stunts on the screen, please.

    "The British Stunt Registers reputation is unparalleled internationally. I am in full support of all that they do to improve the safety of our stunt performers."
    "I've had the pleasure of working with members of The British Stunt Register on several occasions and have found them to be very hard working, dedicated and professional stunt performers and co-ordinators."

Who We Are

The British Stunt Register is the worlds leading and largest association of stunt professionals.

We provide the international film and television industry with stunt performers and co-ordinators of the highest standard.

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